Saturday, May 15, 2010

LOOK they are finally RIPE!!!!!

The other evening, I was fixing supper and Rhett was outside playing and Sidney Shea was in bed. All of a sudden, Rhett was banging on the door and screaming at the top of his lungs MOMMA!!! He just kept banging and screaming. I was so afraid he was going to wake his sister up and I was just about to fuss at him when I turned the corner and this is what he was soooo excitied about!

Yes, straight from the Amburgey's garden...ripe strawberries! He was so excited to show me that they had finally turned red! So each night we've been picking strawberries...but as you can see by the bowl, not very many make it into the house.


  1. great blogging minds think alike!! hilarious we posted this on the same day :)

  2. I'm jealous! I should've had you and Sarah show me what to do to grow strawberries...I have whatever the opposite is to a green thumb and I'm too afraid to grow anything!
