Monday, June 21, 2010


We celebrated Father's Day by having a fish fry in our backyard.
Here are some picture's of us and our Fathers (Dad and Daddy)

Rob and his dad, Bob--thanks to Bob, Rob has a love for the outdoors and for the farm

Me and my Daddy..don't you see where I get my good looks from? I learned from my Daddy,to have a great since of humor, a big heart for giving and a strong work ethic.

Rob with Rhett and Sidney Shea. Thanks to Rob, our children will learn to be patient, how to read directions to put things together, and to have a love for the outdoors.

What a great day and how thankful we are to have GREAT dads!

p.s. did you notice that there was no blog posting on mother's day nor did we even get a picture with our mother's...why is that?

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