This is Rhett and Casey....yeah, Casey (Casey the goat, not cat, not girl, not calf)
Rhett, ok really I, wanted to show goats this year and boy did we ever have fun!!!!
Rhett, ok really I, wanted to show goats this year and boy did we ever have fun!!!!

We wanted this to be Rhett's project and for him to learn how to care for his show goat. Here he is using the clippers and giving her, her first hair cut!

At our first show and getting ready by giving Casey a bath....Rhett really likes to give everyone around a bath!

This is soooo much fun! Rhett won his first goat trophy showing in showmanship. He was so serious in the show ring and I believe he was very nervous...

and my favorite class, COSTUME class....can you tell I've waited a long time to have a kid show? Yes, he won the costume class when Casey transformed into a turkey! (we thought that Jessamine Co. was the only fair that had the class but turned out so did Montgomery Co..he won it too!) If you see this, be thinking of what I can do for next year....all suggestions welcomed!
Such a handsome little goat show-er!